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Classic Pedicure & Manicure
Service Description
Session duration: 60 minutes
250.00 SAR    

Get rid of the roughness of your hands and enjoy a soft, baby-like texture and a beautiful appearance after this wonderful service, which includes cutting and filing the nails to the way you like, and polishing the nails to a remarkable degree with sanitary tools. In addition, your hands are exfoliated with salts and scrubs to remove cracks from them, and moisturizing lotion is applied to them to rid them of all pigmentation. Add a touch of beauty and overwhelming femininity to your feet through advanced care for them in a comprehensive session that includes using the finest exfoliants to soften the skin, relieve its dryness, and moisturize it deeply while improving the appearance of your toenails by using the best tools to remove excess skin around them and clean them of the substances deposited on them. The session also includes a journey of relaxation. After a gentle massage while applying moisturizing gel to your feet, they will become softer and softer. Steps: - Scrap - Sea ​​salt - Balls for honey and milk - Moisturizer - Cleaning the legs and hands - File nails and remove dead skin

Benefits :

  • Clean nails
  • Healthy nails
  • Smooth feet
  • Removing dead skin
  • Smoothing the skin