Electric VN device with wooden massage package
4 Sessions
Session duration: 60 minutes
0.00 SAR    
Package Description

Double power in liposuction is a device that works with electrical vibrations, light, heat, and electrical withdrawal A device developed in the world of slimming and fighting cellulite with multiple technologies in the same device that enables you to get rid of fat at multiple levels for each session, from the power of heat to the power of light and traction designed to break up fat and enhance blood circulation to help your body stimulate collagen for youthful skin free of cellulite and chicken skin problems. Cellulite wood massage or medrotherapy: Wood therapy is one of the most popular types of treatment recently, as it contributes to the treatment of many diseases such as cellulite, abdominal fat, joint pain, and other diseases. Wooden massage is one of the best results for getting rid of cellulite and fluids in the body using several wooden tools for each important tool and technique on the area. Contraindications for use Heart patients Leukaemia patients Pregnant women Varicose veins

Benefits :

  • Reduces excess weight
  • Eliminates accumulated fat
  • Removes annoying cellulite
  • Activates strengthens muscles
  • Improves muscle function
  • Improves lymphatic drainage It
  • It replaces thinning needles as it is safer than them